Implant Prosthodontics – Planning, Placement, and Restoration. Higginbottom, 2004.
Steps to Restorative Success for the Edentulous. Gillespie, 2005.
Implant Overdentures and Hybrid Prostheses Hands on Workshop. McFadden, 2005.
Contemporary Periodontics for the General Practice. Bader, 2006.
Oral Sedation Dentistry. Silverman, 2006.
Enteral Conscious Sedation. Canfield, 2006.
Jurisprudence, Recordkeeping and Dental Management of Patients on Oral Bisphosphonate Therapy. Whitmire, 2006.
Contemporary Periodontics for the General Practice. Bader, 2006.
Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Conscious Sedation for Dentists. Canfield, 2006.
High Quality Endodontics. Chow, 2007.
Cerinate Smile Design. Malcmacher, 2007.
Composite Artistry Mastering Anterior Composite Restorations. Fahl, 2007.
Etiology and Restoration of the Severely Worn Dentition. Crown, 2008.
Systematic Relationships of Periodontal Inflammation. Adcock, 2008.
Invisalign Certification: Clear Essentials I. 2008.
Schein E4D Preview Computer designed/fabricated crowns. 2008.
Esthetic Restorative Excellence with Inlays/Onlays/and Metal-Free Crowns. Jackson, 2008.
Rehabilitative Dentistry. Christensen, 2008.
CDT Dental Coding and Reimbursement Update: Identifying Common Practice Mistakes. Bernstein, 2009.
Mini Implants, Easy Placement and Immediate Restoration. Christensen, 2009.
Integrating Surgery and Implant Prosthetics. Rivers, 2009.
World Clinical Laser Institute Associate Fellowship Diode Laser. 2009.
The Digital Patient Consultation. Lutke, 2010.
Hands-On Implant Prosthetic Training. Rivers, 2010.
CEREC Connect – All Ceramic Restorations. Gorham, 2010.
Implant Treatment Planning – Zimmer Dental. Rivers, 2010.
Restoring Dental Implants: Current Prosthetic Options – Straumann USA. 2010.
Managing Occlusion with Invisalign. Gates, 2010.
Invisalign Clear Essentials II. Brandt, 2010.
The Cosmetic Occlusion Connection. Cranham, 2010.
Implant Restorations. Rivers, 2011.
Clear Aligner Therapy – Clear Correct. Pumphrey, 2011.
Know Your Numbers – Practice Management and Human Relations. Barnes, 2011.
Hands-On Implant Restorative Course – Zimmer. Cayouette/Rivers, 2011.
Digital Implant Impressions. Wong, 2011.
Metal-Free Implant Prosthodontics: The Power of Zirconia. Moscovitch, 2011.
The Impact of Abutment Design on Clinical Outcome: The Conical Connection and its Relationship to Successful Peri-Implant Tissue Esthetics with Immediate and Delayed Treatment Options. Goldenberg, 2011.
Implants in the Aesthetic Zone. Russe, 2011.
Computer Aided Implantology – A Strategic Raining to Plannable Esthetics. Hauschild, 2011.
The 3-D Click Guide A Paradigm Shift for Model Based Guided Surgery. Stumpel, 2011.
Are All Dental Implants Equal? Krauser, 2011.
Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization: Gingival Considerations for a Better Aesthetic Outcome. Valavanis, 2011.
No BoneZ Protocol for Dental Implants: Immediate Implant Function in the Atrophic Maxilla. Balshi, 2011.
Computer Guided Implantology from Clinical Point of View. Marra, 2011.
Implant Protected Occlusion. Misch, 2011.
The Atrophic Jaw: Prosthetic Device Has to Repair Not Only the Lost Dentition but Part of the Oral Tissue as Well. Palti/Ormianer, 2011.
The Future of Implant Esthetics. Casellini, 2011.
Prosthetic Socket Preservation – A Minimal Invasive Concept Preventing Mid-Facial Soft Tissue Loss. Weigl, 2011.
Strategies for Training Peri-Implant Soft Tissues: Designing Success. Karateew, 2011.
Prosthetic Soft Tissue Development Around Implants. Steigmann, 2011.
Implant Overdenture Therapy: Design and Clinical Techniques for Improved Treatment Outcomes. Leopardi, 2011.
Management of Implant Biological and Biomechanical Complications. Wang, 2011.
Abutment Design Concepts and Innovations: Combining Technology to Enhance Results. Ganz, 2011.
Making Implants Part of Your Everyday Practice. AEGIS, 2011.
Best Practices for Infection Prevention. Dorst, ETDS, 2011.
Press Ceramics. Mack, 2011.
CEREC Owner’s Tips All Ceramic Restorations. Morin, 2012.
Level 1 and 2 Sedation Permit Anesthesia and Pain Control Renewal. Canfield, 2012.
Advances in Digital Impression Taking. DeBruzzi, 2012.
The Extraordinary Dentist…Why Patients Love You. Berman, 2012.
Emergency Medications. DDE, 2012.
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Program. Canfield, 2013.
Level 1 to 2 Transitional Moderate Sedation Permit. Canfield, 2013.
Staging Complex Restorative Cases. Thomas, 2013.
Direct Restorative Dentistry Updates. Graham, 2013.
Smart Dentistry for Your Practice. Lambert, 2013.
Using Composite Resin Effectively. Burgess, 2013.
Equipment Maintenance and Repairs. Midwest Dental, 2013.
Narrow Diameter Implants: A Minimally Invasive Solution for Overdenture Treatment. Patel, 2013.
Confronting Controversial Issues in Dental Implant Therapy. Tarnow, 2013.
Dental – Medical Cross Coding 101. Harper, 2013.
Using Cone Beam CT in Clinical Practice. Price, 2013.
History and Principles of Dental Implantology. Mills, 2013.
Using Radiology to Guide Implant Planning and Surgery. Harris, 2013.
Case Presentations and Treatment Planning; Designing the Implant Restoration. Harris, 2013.
Basic Surgical Principles for Dental Implantology. Mealey, 2013.
Implant Prosthodontics: Seeing Old Landscapes with New Eyes. Haney, 2013.
Diagnostic Imaging for Implant Dentistry. Monahan, 2013.
Dental Implant Treatment Planning. Minichetti, 2013.
Implant Provisionalization and Ridge Augmentation. Murphy, 2013.
Keys to Predictable Implant Overdentures. Cagna, 2013.
State-of-the-Art Surgical and Prosthetic Implant Dentistry. Clarizio, 2013.